Before You Buy Office Furniture in Tampa, Consider These 5 Things – Tips from Moving Experts

10 Dec 2015

hot tips for office furniture purchases in tampa bay florida

Five Things to Consider Before Buying Office Furniture

So you’re in the market for new office furniture — that’s great!

There are a lot of options and a lot to consider (and which we don’t cover completely here).

b Take some time to really think through them and envision how you want your office space to work. You want a work space that’s efficient and comfortable and nice to look at.

Functionality over form

This means you want furniture that ‘works better’ than it looks. Remember, you’re not buying office furniture to stage a movie scene.

You’re buying furniture so you have a place to sit and work on ‘real work’ — like Excel spreadsheets, expense reports, marketing budgets and employee reviews.

You want chairs that are comfortable. You need desks that can handle a stack of reports. You want desk drawers that can open and shut a thousand times without breaking.

Yes. You want pretty furniture too — and thankfully these days most office furniture supply dealers in Tampa can get you form and function in one nice package. Think a Herman Miller chair that’s built for James Bond styling and CEO hours.

Ergonomics and comfort

If you’re sitting or standing somewhere — anywhere — for too long, your body won’t respond in a nice way.

Your goal is comfort and ergonomic fit. You want to find office furniture for the tasks you’re working on. If you have a high computer monitor make sure your desk and chair are low enough that it can be at eye-level.

How about Office Ergonomics Tips from the Mayo Clinic – click here.

Or Tips for Synchronizing Your Office Workstation and Chair from – click here.

Consider buying a height-adjustable chair if more than one person is going to be using the office.

Smart decisions now — when you’re buying office furniture — helps avoid the aches and pains from your neck and joints that might happen later.

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Get furniture that can multi-task

Buying furniture that can serve more than one purpose is pretty smart too. You see examples of this all of the time —  like a filing cabinet that you can put a printer on top of.

Or coffee tables that work as lunch tables and small conference tables.

Most work places — if people have been around awhile — showcase some very inventive uses for office furniture.

The more functionality a piece of furniture has — the less furniture you need to buy — and that can save you money!

The guy below is using is cubicle as a gym!

office furniture alternatives in tampa

Oops – remember storage!

In the digital world, we all seem to still collect reams of papers, folders, documents and more.

So where do you put it all? If you’re trying to minimize your office furniture footprint in Tampa, you might leave out filing systems, cabinets and shelving, but you’d likely be making a mistake.

Buying filing cabinets and other storage units will help keep your work place organized. Remember too — it’s not just paper that needs to be stored — but often, samples, supplies, accessories and more.

Light it up

No one likes to work in a cave. 

You’ll need to determine the appropriate lighting for your specific needs. We’ve found that not all Tampa office furniture stores offer lighting options — and if they do — they’ve often not stylish or interesting. You may need to find another source for lighting projects.

Remember – indirect lighting increases the glare on a computer monitor. Harsh overhead lighting can be draining.

Consider lamps and under-shelf lighting for cubicles and workstations.  They can also make for cozier, more friendly and more inviting open areas like waiting rooms, lobbies and small conference rooms too.

Looking for more tips from Tampa office furniture movers?

We enjoy talking to folks — whether they’re moving or not. You can reach our Tampa office at 813-304-2273.




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