Fixing Kickplates for Tampa Area Office Cubes
15 Jan 2015
Cubicle Kickplate broken, loose?
At the bottom of your cubicle, where the wall panel meets the floor, there is a support piece for your cube. It’s called a kickplate?
As you can imagine, this part of your cube can get knocked around a good bit. Eventually, it may need repair or replacing.
And while that’s not a difficult task, it does require finding the right replacement part to order. Then, an installer can replace the kickplate while trying to limit the amount of ‘downtime’ for your cube.
Need cube, cubicle maintenance in your Tampa Bay office?
Let Office Movers of Florida help. With our on-site visits and free estimates, we can help you assess your furniture repair needs. And whether it’s a replacement kickplate you need or another cubicle replacement part, we can help.
Call us at 813-304-2273.