Hey Tampa – Is Your Office Space Shrinking?

23 Feb 2015

According to a report in the New York Times, office space is shrinking…

Per the article which you can read in full here, “The average amount of space per office worker in North America dropped to 176 square feet in 2012, from 225 in 2010, according to CoreNet Global, a commercial real estate association.”

Apparently, people are getting used to having less personal office space and less overall space.

What about offices in Tampa?

Well, it’s hard for us to really gauge. While we visit a lot of small, medium and large sized office around the Bay Area managing office relocations and furniture installs, it’s hard to determine if space is shrinking.

What we do know is that office space is as varied as you can imagine. We’ve been in offices that look like they’re right out of central casting for a Hollywood movie and we’ve seen some offices that we were glad to leave.

Our evaluation of a space is generally less about the amount of room each employees uses, but how the entire company uses the space they have.

Functionality is key and it’s why so many office managers really try to consider workflow, ergonomics, comfort and usability when laying out their office space. Oh, and employee happiness actually ranks right up there when we talk to business owners and other decision makers about what they consider when moving into a new office space or upgrading a space.

Need tips for office redesign?

We’re not office designers, but we do know how to layout space in an office that makes sense. That’s a key resource for smaller businesses that won’t hire a designer, but who do need informative tips from experienced movers and office furniture installers.

Remember – it’s always better to lay out the furniture design before actually constructing all the office cubes and placing desks. Generally once they’ve been installed, they’re not easy to move again without time and muscles.

Office Movers of Florida | 813-304-2273


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