How To Get More Referrals For Your Tampa Small Business

26 Oct 2013


Moving Company Tampa Gets Referrals – You Can Too!

We’re often referred to our new office moving clients here in Tampa Bay from our old clients. Naturally, we really appreciate that! referred tampa office moving company

Our clients are happy to refer our office moving and office relocation services because they were very happy with our ability to get their organization moved quickly and efficiently.

As a small business, outside of the referrals you get organically, do you also ask your clients for referrals?

At Office Movers of Florida, we make it a point to. We also try to continue to educate ourselves on ways to better our marketing approach. We even get referrals from companies who provide similar services to ours, like A Castle Construction in Sarasota, who has existing relationships with clients who may also need our services.

Get More Referrals for Your Business

Speaking of referrals, we came across a great article today that we thought we’d share with you. It’s called Overcoming the Fear of Asking for Referrals.

Here are a few paragraphs from the article. For the entire article and more really good tips and techniques, click here to read Overcoming the Fear of Asking for Referrals.

What often stops people from asking for a referral is that it feels like a selfish act. But it’s not if you ask in the right way. Think about it: What you are really doing is trying to help someone else find a quality solution to their problem.

Let’s say you’re speaking with a customer and they’re telling you how pleased they are with your product or service. That is the perfect time to say, “Thank you, I’m so glad you’re happy. I know how hard it can be to find a good (insert your product/service). I’ve heard plenty of horror stories.”

At this point, your customer will either agree or share a horror story of their own or of someone they know. That’s your cue to listen, empathize, and then say, “Well, if you know of any other people having a hard time finding good work, feel free to pass along my name. Or if you have anyone in mind, I could drop them a line myself and save you the trouble.”

See how this changes the situation? There’s nothing to fear, as you’re being helpful. It’s really not scary at all. You just need to commit to asking for referrals when your customers are pleased with your business.



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