At What Point Should You Schedule an Office Moving Company?

04 Jun 2017

schedule office move

A common question we get at Office Movers of Florida is, “when should I book my office move — how far out?”

That’s a great question. The simple answer is — schedule your office move as early in the process as you can.

It’s not unusual for companies and other organizations in Tampa Bay to call our office just a few days before a move. They simply just didn’t take into account how their furniture was going to move from one place to another! Or that their new HR person would need a desk and chair. Or they forgot the carpeting guys were coming and there was no one around to move furniture.

The more advance notice you can provide, the better. We work with companies across Tampa Bay and beyond. While we do work hard to accommodate all moves and install projects, there are times when our schedules are full.

This becomes an issue when clients leave large-scale moves and installs to the last minute. A 20 person office that’s moving from Tampa to an office park North of the Airport will require time.

Sometimes — the only people available to move your office furniture — are the residential moving companies. That’s not a great option, especially if you’re having to disassemble and re-install expensive or complicated cubicles, workstations and other special equipment. The residential movers just are not experienced to handle projects like this and you risk incorrect assembly and damage of your casegoods.

You also want to schedule time with your IT company, phone provider and other service providers who also may need advance notice on moves.

So, call early — we can help!

Remember too — you’ll need to build in time for our team to provide you with an estimate of the move. This can require time or a visit in order to better understand what’s included in the move.

How can we help your next office project be a success?

Please call Office Movers of Florida at 813-304-2273 for more information.


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