What does office relocation cost in Tampa Bay?

28 May 2013


When small businesses and mid-size or larger companies here in Tampa decide to move their office space, many questions arise.

  • Where do we move?
  • How do we find new space?
  • How are we going to move our furniture, equipment and everything else?

And obviously one of the first questions asked is always, “what’s this move going to cost?”

Here is how we answer that question…

What does office relocation cost?
Each office move is different. If you need to relocate your office, we will come out to your location and work with you to determine the specifics of the move.

The cost of the move is based upon the amount of items moved, what some of those items might be, where you are relocating to and other important criteria.

Do you provide free estimates?
Absolutely! We’re excited to learn more about your business or organization and how we can help you. Our estimates are always free.

They are also written and presented in a clear, itemized and easy to understand format. We want to make this part of the moving process easy on you.

Can you save us money on a move?
There are processes we use to make office moves here in Tampa go smoothly. In fact, we can help you save money in many ways – by not having to purchase moving boxes for examples or getting your team up and running so there is not downtime (that can represent a huge cost savings)!

Do you have more questions about moving your office space here in the Tampa, St. Pete or other parts of Tampa Bay? Call Office Movers of Florida at 813-304-2273


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