Will Work From Home (WFH) be the New Normal in Tampa?

25 Jun 2020

A great article recently in NPR Get A Comfortable Chair: Permanent Work From Home Is Coming begs the question – “will work from home be the new normal?”

And if so, what’s the impact on local Tampa Bay area companies?

From the NPR article (which you can read in full here or listen to below):

“Saving money is always an attractive proposition for businesses, especially these days. And that’s likely to drive the shift to remote work, according to Kate Lister, who consults with companies on the future of work as president of Global Workplace Analytics.

“Going into a recession, an economic downturn, those CEOs are laying awake at night thinking of all those buildings that they’re heating … productivity is continuing without being at the office. And saying, ‘Wow, I think we could use for a change here.’ ”

One potential change: Demand for commercial real estate falls due to the growth of remote work and the realities of a painful economic downturn. For example, 90% of the 60,000 employees at investment bank Morgan Stanley have been working remotely during the pandemic.”

office space increases in tampa

What impact will we see in Tampa Bay?

Based on reporting, demand for real estate across Tampa remains bullish. Commercial Property Executive show Tampa wrapped up a solid May 2020 with new leases and buildouts and projects a strong remainder of 2020 as well.

“Tampa is wrapping up another year of strong gains, with the Tampa Bay area remaining one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation.” Increases in corporate relocations and expansions along with increasing numbers of people moving to the region has kept demand high for commercial real estate.

We’re here for you!

Regardless of which direction you’re heading with your space – expanding, downsizing or rearranging your space – Office Movers of Florida can help. For a free quote, please contact us today at 813-304-2273.


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